Sunday 29 September 2024

Encephalic Cleansing by Needle


Encephalic Cleansing is the name I give to my spontaneous works originally produced using gouache paint on watercolour paper

This cathartic pursuit has now expanded into a form of embroidery using unbleached calico and black thread. 

12 September 2024

15 September 2024

24 September 2024

28 September 2024

3 October 2024

10 October 2024

13 October 2024

Each piece is 38 x 38 cm

Thanks for visiting!

Saturday 7 September 2024

My Wish


Music written, performed, produced & mixed by Gaynor Perry
Mastered by Cass Irvine

Painting & animation by Gaynor Perry

We can swiftly be swallowed up in this digital labyrinth, losing touch with the subtle impulses and rhythms of our being. Noise from the outside world can baffle the senses causing us to become estranged from ourselves.

The song came first from the seed of a dream, and then a painting called A Soothsayer Lately.  I researched different ways to animate. It can get really complicated, so I settled on the simple method I used in my previous animation Agatha’s Secret. Creating frames in photoshop and importing them into iMovie.

I hardly know myself
What is a name but a ghostly refrain
I live in a conch shell
A giant conch shell
Suspended between the I and the me

We love, we grieve umpteen impermanent desires
Cast away this sorry scheme of things entire

We float, we trawl
enthralled by transient desires
We want, we crave
enslaved by primal powers
We come undone
hard won and instantly devoured
My wish unseen adrift

My wish, my wish adrift
Hello, hello, hello shadow

La, la, la, la
We love, we grieve
We love

My wish, my wish adrift
Hello, hello, hello shadow

Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Subliminal Artefact


Subliminal Artefact #1
wood, jute twine, unfired clay
w36 x h32 x d8 cm

Labouring under the sun while red kites glide and whistle overhead, I’ve been engaged in a kind of Medieval recall, compelling me to whittle wood. The shape of the wood called for some natural twine which I'm weaving, winding and plaiting. They are sticks I collected from woodland nearby.

Instinctively assembled these artefacts have no practical purpose. They're an echo, reminiscent of former times when we were all closely bonded to the land, governed by seasons and feudal lords. Back then, contraptions were devised to complete various everyday chores using readily available materials.

These simple objects serve as a totem for tactile connection with nature and our long forgotten tasks.

Subliminal Artefact #2 - The Weary Serf
wood, jute twine, cotton, wax, unfired clay
w50 x h32 x d15 cm

Music: The Safe - GP

Subliminal Artefact #3 
wood, jute twine, wax
w27 x h42 x d14 cm

Friday 19 July 2024

Nahven, my spider daughter


Nahven, my spider daughter
h80 x w80 x d1cm, oil on board

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Gravel Pit Understories

After work I found a quiet place in an old, overgrown gravel pit. Using leaf litter, and whatever natural debris is strewn about me, I’m meditatively organising these things until a sort of harmony is reached.

24 June 2024

The sound textures accompanying the film clips were created using my voice in a similarly free and spontaneous manner, conjuring up how it felt to compile each ephemeral array. 

25 June 2024

Initiating this land art arose from a desire to evolve my encephalic cleansing and spend meaningful time being tactile with nature. 

26 June 2024

28 June 2024

29 June 2024

While piecing together the final assemblage, I repeatedly heard popping sounds in the long grass around me. At first I thought it was twigs falling from the trees, but it was actually seed pods exploding. I only realised this because the seed pods I’d placed in the gravel pit portal burst in front of my eyes, surprising me.

Film, photography & sound by 
Gaynor Perry

Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday 4 June 2024

A Soothsayer Lately

A Soothsayer Lately
 h80 x w80 x d1cm, oil on board

This painting forms the foundation of my animation, My Wish.

Sunday 11 February 2024

Lost Empress


Lost Empress
h80 x w80 x d1cm, oil on board