Thursday 1 December 2016

Jane Perry Woodgate – An Ode to 60 Years

This series arose from Jane’s desire to commemorate her 60th birthday in a special way. She chose to be photographed naked in the trees at Chiswick House in London. We took a picnic.

It's important to me to support others in their creative expression, and to document exploration of the self with integrity and understanding. 

In these images we're employing the powerful medium of photography to transmit ideas of liberation and freedom of expression. Jane’s lithe body is testimony to her worldliness and her desire to share a state of self-acceptance which has been hard-won. Her observations and poetic insight amplify this sense of release.

If the camera disappears and the person before me emerges from within themselves, I feel I have achieved my aim. To do this requires kindness, a desire for truthfulness, and the wish to capture glimpses of these aspects in another.

Here are her poignant words about reaching this milestone in her life.

by Jane Perry Woodgate

Physically, I work hard
lifting, carrying, so much heaviness
spiritually, I work hard
lifted, carried, so much happiness

In the early morning it is difficult to climb
the stairs at the station
my legs ache so much
at the strain

In the early evening, it is delightful to descend
the stairs at the station
my heart hops and skips
homeward bound 

The future uncertain
no money
pension poverty

The future is certain
just love
blessedness and bliss

So, today I free my body
my soul
my mind
my heart

I climb trees naked and dance
I celebrate
every year
every moment
every person I have loved

I laugh and say

never stop singing
never stop praying
never stop loving

and most of all

I say

thank you.

Poem by Jane Perry Woodgate
Photography by Gaynor Perry

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Haworth, Brontës Old Haunt

Visiting the home of the Brontës is a rite of passage for any poetic soul. The story of the Brontë family is as well known now as their books, and equally compelling. Tracing the sister’s footsteps through Haworth churchyard, across moors, and along cobbled streets, flagstones. One hundred and sixty-nine years after the publication of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, the place still resounds with the Brontë spirit. In fact, they’re keeping a whole community of people alive.

A sign post to Brontë Falls, a holiday home called Heathcliff, a lorry emblazoned with Brontë Water, I wondered if the chickens I met scratching in the graves were aware of their rich cultural heritage.

Hiding her chicks from the cat ...

Stepping into Haworth church alone, I approached the corner where the Brontë Altar stands and was greeted with the violent noise of static from the church sound system, coinciding with my first footstep onto the altar place. A deeply shocking sound, churches are usually such tranquil places. However, I was surprisingly calm in the midst of it. I doubted that this place of sanctuary was rigged to thrill unsuspecting Brontë pilgrims, not with the famously haunted Black Bull just a few metres away.

As if the atmospheres conveyed in their stories hung around me, the sisters certainly didn’t disappoint.

The table where the stories where written ...

Haworth, East Yorkshire.

Friday 1 July 2016

Primary Route


Primary Route – 80 x 80 cm, oil on board

The subconscious landscape; my route to primary school as viewed from above. 

This geography was imprinted on my impressionable and budding subconscious; 

forming the backdrop for sensory episodes delivered in the dream state, 

and still is my prime nocturnal haunting ground. 

I know this landscape intimately. 

Monday 27 June 2016

Conjure With Fire

Nothing would happen, I could conjure with fire.

Sunlit horizon perplexed by trees, abandoned ruins
Naked limbs twisted together, some broken, even more beautiful
I can conjure with fire, see sparrows in the afterglow.

I died again today, there's no mystery surrounding the cell
No-one will love you more than you love yourself
So imagine love – ignite your potential.

Before we descend into chaos, I'll hold your hand and see you
for who you truly are in dissonance enduring the weight of your scars.

We can conjure with fire.

written, performed & produced © ℗ Gaynor Perry

This audiovisual piece features CymaScope imagery meticulously transcribed from the soundtrack by John Stuart Reid's team.

What is a CymaScope? “The CymaScope is a new type of analog scientific instrument that makes sound visible, allowing scientists to see sound's vibrations. Within the instrument the surface of pure water offers a kind of super-sensitive membrane and by imprinting sounds onto the liquid surface, unique patterns of sound energy are created for every unique sound. Just as the invention of the microscope and telescope revealed aspects of the world and Universe that we didn't even know existed, the CymaScope allows the once hidden realm of sound to become visible. And since everything in the Universe is in a state of vibration a tool that shows the structures within sound and vibration can provide important new scientific insights.” John Stuart Reid.

Movement artist and choreographer, Francis Angol, sculpts a passage through the song with great care and thoughtful momentum. As a counterpoint to the strength conveyed by Francis, The Owl, played by performance artist Estelle Riviere, portrays an otherworldly fragility.

I would like this piece to transmit the idea of harnessing the power of anger for transformation. For me, the beautiful morphing quality of the CymaScope imagery describes the intangible evolution from one state of being to another through the psychic and emotional complexities of the human spirit. 

The CymaScope offers us the opportunity to visualise these changes taking place on a cellular level. That we are partly comprised water enhances our affinity with the sound structures produced by this invaluable instrument.

Francis Angol – movement artist & choreographer
Estelle Riviere – as the Owl and maker of costume
John Stuart Reid – Cymascope footage
Film, concept & music written, performed & produced by © Gaynor Perry

Estelle Riviere as The Owl

Estelle Riviere as The Owl

Francis Angol in the CymaGlyph 

Estelle Riviere as The Owl

Francis Angol

Estelle Riviere as The Owl

Francis Angol 

Estelle Riviere as The Owl

Estelle Riviere – as The Owl 

Estelle Riviere – as The Owl 

Estelle Riviere – as The Owl in the CymaGlyph

Estelle Riviere – as The Owl 

Estelle Riviere
Francis Angol

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Exhibiting The Dawn

My painting The Dawn Has A Lot To Offer will be on show as part of the Islington Arts Factory Summer Salon.

“The Summer Salon embodies Islington Arts Factory’s ethos of creating an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome to participate, and providing a launch pad for local and emerging talent,” says Eleanor Pearce, IAF’s Art Director. “The idea for the show grew from French salons where people would meet to discuss the arts and exchange ideas. During the Salon we will be promoting formal and informal discussions about contemporary art themes”. 

Exhibition: 10th June – 1st July 2016

Private View: 10th June 6.30pm – 9.30pm

Islington Arts Factory, 2 Parkhurst Road, London N7 0SF

The Dawn Has A Lot To Offer
98 x 98 cm (framed) oil on board 
Detail below.

About this painting:  I photographed the dawn on my phone over a six month period. There is always time for a photograph, no matter how late I'm running. The photos were taken between shampoo and eyeliner, creaking wardrobe door and flurry of garments.

The dawn began to infiltrate my dreams until I was wholly imbued with the spirit of night turning to day. This feeling is the raw material for my painting.

This is one of the photographs I took of the dawn whilst I was making the painting. I have never seen the sun do that before, or since ...

I'm always watching the light

Thursday 24 March 2016


Film here >>>

written, performed & produced © ℗ Gaynor Perry


In the water I belong, untraceable
Forgotten fawn pegged out on the washing line
I need to take it down
Injury circled around, never quite getting to the bottom of it
You tried to find me in your time machine
I couldn't meet your eye

Exposed in daylight emotion breaking the surface tension
No big theory on the outcome, no epiphany or revelation
A beautiful life waits for you, come up and see

In the water I am strong, I'm held, I can build my will
It's understood we're climbing liquid steps
We're mocking the laws of physics

Exposed in daylight emotion breaking the surface tension
No big theory on the outcome, no epiphany or revelation
A beautiful life waits for you, come up and see

Come up and see.

Wednesday 24 February 2016