Tuesday, 19 August 2014

How Shall I Get Elephants To Stay (a book of dreams)

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During sleep, the body and mind repair themselves in order to thrive. It is a time of restoration, where essential truths are revealed in the realm of dreams, engaging all the senses. In dreams, the perception of time and space defies scientific laws. There are no rules in these surreal vistas, only an invitation to explore, untethered, and to uncover the true nature of our fears and desires.

Throughout history, a reverence for the power and meaning of dreams has shaped civilisations. Dreams provide us with a potent awareness of ourselves and our place in the world.

We sleep. We dream.

How Shall I Get Elephants to Stay is an account of my own vivid dreams, illustrated and embodied by my photographs, paintings, and sculptures. The title itself is from a vivid dream that showed me writing this book. It is my testimony to the beauty, wonder, and mystery of the natural world, both within and around us.

In this book, the nature and landscape photographs are incidental; nothing is staged. Many of the photographs were taken on my phone as the moment required. I'm fascinated by the way dreams and waking life often overlap, uncannily offering a timely metaphor to underline a message sent by the subconscious. Bringing this nocturnal awareness into daylight helps me strengthen an alliance with my environment, discover my bearing in the world, and perceive subtleties of seemingly reciprocal influence.

Worldly Possessions – a song beginning with water and ending with flesh.

"In her book How Shall I Get Elephants To Stay Gaynor brings mythical beauty and depth to all her subjects - the human body, rich landscapes and abandoned detritus of our 'civilised' way of life. Her dream stories add yet more otherworldly mystery and a fairytale lens of significance to her perceptions of our external world. A magical, internal journey into the subconscious and awe of our natural surroundings. It's a highly feminine, moonlit exploration into the endless paths within our selves". Kate Daisy Grant - musician (www.katedaisygrant.com), Somatic Experiencing practitioner, Body Psychotherapist